On friday afternoon I drove down to Ballerup, Denmark and met up with Marit to attend two days of showing. With me I had Akizuri Titi Bakira "BELLA" and daughter Bellnodie A Pride Of My Heart Joy "THYRA".
Copenhagen Winner Show-17 23.09.2017
Judge: Thomas M. Heir, IR (one of the nicest judges I've ever have showed for!)
Thyra won puppy class and was placed BOS against the male.
She was happy as always and no problem with the judge looking at her teeth etc. It feels like this little girl thinks that everyone is there just for her! :-)

Then it was time for Bella to enter the ring in open class with Alex who showed her. Thank you!
She was placed 4th in the class with ex out of 7.

After the show it was time for some shopping and cheering for Alex and Herman in the finals.
We drove to got something to eat and tokk the dogs out for a walk and then I litterly fell asleep in the hotel room before my head hit the pillow!
Danish RR Club Show 24.09.2017
Judge: Birgitte Thilemann, DK
Thyra once again was BOS puppy. She was happy in the ring and had no problems with the judge even though there were some puppies who didn't want the judge to touch them.

Then it was time for me and Bella to enter the ring in open class! Bella did great in the ring, I wasn't nervous at all (that's why I havn't showed her my self). It was a pleasure to show her. And now the result.. She recieved "good" because the judge didn't like her head, that was what she said to me. Am I dissapointed? Do I agree with her? Of course I don't agree with her, I think she was a little hard in that judgement but hey! I'm not a judge and that was her oppinion. I'm not dissapointed, I know what I have in the leash
;-) And I get to take home the best dog ever! <3
I havn't any photos of Bella in the ring so we took photos of her the next day at home that you can see below.

Congratulations to all the winners from this weekend!
And thank you everyone for a nice time around the rings! :-)
Specially thanks to Marit, Alex and Marianne for nice company!